Portfolio Website Using HTML, Tailwind CSS, and JavaScript

A portfolio website is a personal platform to showcase your skills, projects, achievements and professional experience Built using HTML, Tailwind CSS and JavaScript. This project focuses on creating a clean, responsive and interactive design. The website highlights sections such as:

  • About Me: A brief introduction and professional summary.
  • Skills: A list of technical and soft skills.
  • Projects: A showcase of your work with descriptions.
  • Contact: A form or contact details for easy communication.

The use of Tailwind CSS simplifies styling with pre-built utility classes, while JavaScript adds dynamic interactivity to elements like animations, scroll effects, or form validation.

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Requirements for Portfolio Website Project

1. Technologies and Tools:

  • Frontend:
    • HTML for structure.
    • Tailwind CSS for styling and responsive design.
    • JavaScript for adding interactivity and animations.

2. Prerequisites:

  • Basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • A text editor (e.g., Visual Studio Code).
  • A browser for testing (e.g., Chrome, Firefox).

How to Run the Project

Step 1: Download Project

click on below button to download zip file

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Click Here to Download

Step 2: Extract Downloaded file

To extract a ZIP file, you can use various methods depending on your operating system.

Step 3: Open Project

Open extracted folder in your VS code editor.

Step 4: Run Project

  1. Click on index.html page
  2. Click on Run  (In top menu in VS Code)
  3. then start debugging
  4. it will automatically redirect to browser

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