Text to image AI

Text to Image Generator AI Web App Using MERN Stack source code

The Text to Image Generator AI web app is an innovative platform built using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js) to transform textual descriptions into unique images using AI-powered models. This application allows users to input a descriptive text prompt, which is then processed to generate a visually appealing image. Such a tool is beneficial for creative professionals, marketers, and hobbyists looking to visualize concepts effortlessly. Key features include:

  • AI Image Generation: Converts text prompts into images using an integrated AI model.
  • User Authentication: Secure login and signup for personalized experiences.
  • Download Option: Allows users to save generated image.
  • Responsive Interface: Ensures smooth usage across devices.

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Requirements for Text to Image Generator AI Project

1. Technologies and Tools:

  • Frontend: React.js (with React Router state management)
  • Backend: Node.js with Express.js
  • Database: MongoDB (with Mongoose for schema and database interaction)
  • AI Integration: Clipdrop API that convert text to image.
  • Styling: Tailwind CSS .

2. Prerequisites:

  • Node.js installed on your machine. click here to download
  • MongoDB setup locally or via a cloud-based service like MongoDB Atlas.
  • Clipdrop API. create free account on clipdrop website and get API
  • Basic understanding of JavaScript and full-stack development.

3. Development Environment:

How to Run the Project

Step 1: Download Project

click on below button to download zip file

Button with Timer
Click Here to Download

Step 2: Extract Downloaded file

To extract a ZIP file, you can use various methods depending on your operating system.

Step 3: Open Project

Open extracted folder in your VS code editor.

Step 4: Configure Environment Variables

Add your MongoDB Path and Clipdrop API key

Also add your stripe key

Step 5: Start the Application

Start the backend server:

cd server
npm run dev

Start the frontend server:

cd client
npm run dev

Step 6: Access the Application

Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:5173 to access the frontend of the Text to Image web app. The backend API will run on http://localhost:4000 by default.

Step 7: Test the Application

  • Generate Images: Log in or sign up, enter a text prompt, and generate an image.
  • Save Results: View and save your image.

If you still face any error , Feel free to Ask Any Question

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